Veterinary Surgery
Using the safest and most effective surgical techniques
Surgery Services For Your Pet
Safety and good results are important for all surgeries. Anesthesia is undertaken with the utmost care using state of the art equipment and medications. Pre-surgical bloodwork and IV fluids are strongly recommended to maximize successful outcomes.
Monitoring of anesthetized patients includes EKG, blood oxygen saturation, and end tidal CO2 among others, to best insure a comfortable and safe procedure for the pet.
Only surgery within the abilities of our surgeons will be undertaken. Most orthopedics and specialty procedures will be sent to referral specialty practices in Chesapeake or to NC State University Veterinary Hospital.
Common Wellness Surgical Services:
Spay / neuter
Spaying and neutering your pet helps prevent potential health problems and helps to control pet over-population.
Mass / tumor removal
A lumpectomy maybe required to remove abnormal growths, tumors or masses on a pet’s skin.
Laceration / wound repair
Your pet’s wounds should always be checked. Some can heal on their own, others will need medical assistance.
Dental services / dental radiography
Including cleaning and polishing, as well as dental extractions and minor oral surgery. We also offer solutions for preventative dental care.

We Also Offer Specialty Surgical Services:
Treatment of bladder problems may require surgery including removal of bladder stones, bladder tumors, and blood clots.
Pyometra is a uterine infection common in older, unspayed female dogs and cats.
Cryptorchid neuter
When a dog’s testicles do not descend normally health problems can arise. This surgery is a more in-depth neutering procedure to help protect your pet’s health.
A vulvoplasty is a surgical procedure that may be recommended to correct a recessed vulva.
Soft palate / stenotic nares
Procedure for brachycephalic breeds.
Mammary tumors can be very aggressive and require surgery. New Light Animal Hospital has the experience to get your pet the help needed.
Abdominal exploratory
Exploratory surgery may be needed to diagnose the problem. Symptoms could be sign of tumors, cancer, or the ingestion of a foreign object.
If your pet needs to have a limb or toe amputated, it can be a stressful time but it can be vital to successful treatment.
Eastern Shore Animal Hospital & Urgent Care
Grandy, NC, 27939
Hospital Hours